Registration > Registration Process

Registration to the workshop is a 3-step procedure (download the tutorial)

1) Fill the registration form HERE

The information provided will enable us organizing the workshop in the best way.

You will receive a first email summarizing your informations. Once they are validated by an administrator, you will receive a second email that confirms your registration. You can now proceed to the second step.

2) Proceed to your pre-registration on the CNRS AzurColloque platform HERE (not mandatory for invited speakers)

After this pre-registration request on the AzurColloque platform, you will receive an automatic email from informing you that you will receive a new email once your pre-registration will be validated (within 48 hours): in this second email, you will find a link enabling you to finalize your registration and proceed to the fees payment. Please check your spam box!

3) Confirm your registration on the AzurColloque payment platform by proceeding to the payment of your registration (not mandatory for invited speakers)

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