

Registration are closed.

The final MNO2023 program can be downloaded HERE

 Abstract book is ready to download HERE

The School program can be dowloaded HERE


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MNO conferences aim to provide an overview on recent advances and challenges in the development of metallic nano-objects and their applications. This year, MNO2023 will be held at the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), France, from September 19th to 21st.

It usually gathers about 100 academics and industrials from various national and international institutions. Edition after edition, we are committed to maintaining low registration fees for all academics to allow a maximum of students to participate in the event. 

All oral presentations will be held in a single amphitheater, which limits the number of available oral presentations but favor interactions between participants all along the workshop. Eight invited speakers will deliver tutorials or overviews of their latest research in their field of expertise. People will have the chance to discuss their scientific questions during the breaks and poster sessions but also to get acquainted during the social event organized in the evening.

This year, the MNO workshop is coupled to a late summer school organized by the NANO-PHOT Graduate school,on Monday, September 18th. The main scientific topic is related to "Nanophotonics and Sustainability". The aim of the School is to bring together students and scientists at the early stage of their career in the field of photonics, interested in the study of light at the nanoscale with a specific concern about sustainability developments.




We solicit abstract for oral or poster presentations on the following topics:

  • Ultrafast and nonlinear plasmonics
  • Enhanced light-matter interactions at the nanoscale
  • Metasurfaces and nanophotonics
  • Novel materials and technologies for plasmonics
  • Theoretical and numerical studies
  • Sensors and bio-plasmonics
  • Plasmonic colors
  • Plasmonic devices
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