Important dates & informationsImportant dates
Important informationsThe official language of the conference is English.
Oral presentations The time slots within the schedule include time for questions. Invited talk : 45 min Contributed talk : 20 min Please bring your Labtop with an HDMI plug AND your presentation on a USB mass storage, and include all video files (if any). File formats: ppt, pptx, or pdf. For Mac users, please bring your HDMI adapter and make sure your presentation is displayed correctly. Please bring your presentation as pdf-file with fonts embedded or test your presentation on a Windows-based computer before the conference.
Poster presentations Poster dimensions should correspond to portrait DIN A0 format (vertical display). Dimensions are: 1189 x 841 mm or 46.8 x 33.1 in You can find a tutorial to setup the correct dimensions of your poster under PowerPoint HERE
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